Embodied Spiritualism through Movement and Music

Woman seated next to man playing harp

Embodied Spiritualism through Movement and Music

This workshop will employ meditation, live harp music, and movement to improve your mediumship and overall spiritual development. Dance and music have been an aid and vehicle for communication between the earthly and spirit worlds for thousands of years. What becomes available for our spiritual development when ancient, embodied knowledge encounters mediumship and Spiritualism? With the support of new research and live harp music, participants will practice movement, sound and meditation techniques to raise energy, bring awareness to the primary mediumistic centers of the body and learn how to unblock them, expand communication with the spirit world through creativity, add depth and non-verbal meaning to messages, and learn to help your sitter or audience experience the bridge you have opened between worlds This introductory class is appropriate for mediums, movers, and musicians of all abilities. Musical instruments welcome.



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